Rules N Regulations

* Posts which contains swearing at other members, or posting a smiley or making a post that does not contribute to the factor of the topic's title is not allowed. Short posts if brought to the attention of any authorised staffs within the area will be dealt . These posts will be considered SPAM and are not allowed within the blogs.

** All users are to show respect to the administrators of the blogs at all times. Should you receive a warning from any of the administrators , and if you think you were unfairly warned, you are to email any other administrator and tell us why you were warned, and show evidence that you were not violating any rule.

*** Swearing or otherwise known as flaming is not allowed in our blogs, if you have any grudge against a certain member, please settle it elsewhere and not do it within our blogs.



Ya I Agree

Unknown said...

It's Acceptable Rules Buddy ... No Problem...

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